Abington First World War Commemoration Day

Saturday, 4 October 2014 10:00 am - Saturday, 4 October 2014 6:00 pm

Abington First World War Commemoration Day
Saturday 4 October 2014
10am to 6pm
In the Abington Institute
Entry free
This day will be a commemoration of the war and how it affected our villages and local people.
It will include:
  • details of those men on the rolls of honour for the villages,
  • the regiments in which they served and maps showing where they served,
  • the places and cemeteries where those who died are buried,
  • recruitment of men to serve in the war,
  • reports of tribunals considering exemptions from military service,
  • the village prior to 1914 with photographs,
  • the population of the villages and number of houses prior to the war,
  • Cambridge Independent Press reports during 1914-19 (accessed by the British Newspaper Archive online),
  • Stories of ancestors of current villagers who served in the war.
11.30am    Talk by Mike Petty on aspects of the war in the local area
All day        Short films about the war, some East Anglian
Music from the First World War
Books, art work, posters, poems
Refreshments will be available morning, lunchtime and afternoon.
This day is being partially funded by Little and Great Abington Parish Councils.
 Abington History Group
Jennifer Hirsh (893 352 or Jennifer@hirsh.com)

Last updated on 25 May 2016.