Pump Track Proposal
Abington Recreation Ground Committee and Great Abington Primary School would like to make better use of the strip of land on the recreation ground, from the outdoor gym towards St. Mary’s Church.
We hope to provide a pump track for cyclists, skateboarders and scooter riders to enjoy. We requested feedback from the young people of the village, as well as those who are still young at heart, in the May 2018 issue of the A&H News and received some useful input.
We intend to provide a tarmac surfaced access path and track, away from the trees to avoid fallen leaves.
![Satellite image - mock up](/site/assets/files/1561/map.1125x0.png)
![3D image](/site/assets/files/1561/iso.1125x0.png)
What is a pump track?
It is a narrow looped path that consists of a series of undulations and banked curves. The surface can be packed gravel but should be tarmac for the widest scope of use and for minimising maintenance. It will teach a number of critical skills that can benefit riders. It improves handling skills, balance and confidence, particularly cornering and maintaining speed and momentum. Young cyclists will learn how to look several steps ahead and which line and angle to use to complete the course. It provides an intense full-body workout in a very short amount of time and it’s tons of fun!
Cycling provides an ideal exercise for children and adults. It improves fitness and helps to reduce obesity and furthermore provides a means of transport as well as reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.
We were pleased to receive feedback from young cyclists and skateboarders about what they would like of the track. The proposal.was also entusiastically received by the families of children at the school - see survey results. We now have a detailed design and have received planning permission (see application ref 21/00104/FUL) and also for a grant from British Cycling towards the cost. We also have some funding from recent developments in the village.
Conservefor were appointed as contractors but construction was delayed until late February and longer days with better weather. The bulk of construction was now complete by the end of March, apart from finishing tasks such as signage and landscaping. An opening ceremony is planned for 25 April at the track.
Comments are still welcome on the following contact email address: PumpTrack.Feedback@greatabington.school