Little Abington Parish Council
2020-21 Annual Report.
Click on the link to see the Annual Report for Little Abington Parish Council
Accessibility Standards
The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibility Regulations 2018 requires public sector bodies, which includes local councils like Litle Abington Parish Council , to make reasonable adjustments to websites so they are accessible to people with various disabilities such as :
• Impaired vision
• Motor difficulties
• Cognitive impairments or learning disabilities
• Deafness or impaired hearing
The legislation comes into effect on 23 September 2020.
Little Abington Parish council has published its Accessibility Statement . Please contact us if you need help or more information E-mail
What is a Parish Council?
Parish councils are the first tier of local government in England and Wales and they are closest to the people. They are funded through your local Council Tax.
What does a Parish Council do?
The Parish Council has several responsibilities including representing the local community and improving quality of life in the village.
For example:
- The Annual Village Clean Up
- Improving footpaths
- Road safety and reducing speeding. We are looking into ways of improving road safety in the village. LAPC organised and paid for the inter-active signs on Cambridge Road and for the Speedwatch equipment .
- Cycle routes.
- Reviewing planning applications. The Council’s opinion is taken into account before plans are approved
- The Parish Council can make grants for projects that will benefit the community
- The Parish Council pays for services such as Street lighting, Village and footpath maintenance, Roadside verge cutting
The Parish Council is a consultee for planning matters. It is consulted about planning applications for development in the parish and in nearby Granta Park in Great Abington. It makes recommendations to The Greater Cambridge Planning Team ( jointly managed by South Cambridgehire District Council and the Cambridge City Council). South Cambridgeshire District Council is the Local Planning Authority and decision maker.
In general planning applications are discussed at Parish Council meetings. Sometimes a Planning Committee Meeting will be held. This may be because the planning application needs time for review and discussion including allowing adequate time for public participation or because Parish Council meeting schedules will not meet the tight time scales the Local Authority requires.
The Greater Cambridge Planning Team maintains a database of planning applications on its website. From this, you can find details of applications, plans and decisions going back over several years. See
What does a Parish Councillor do?
There are 7 Parish Councillors. We meet once a month. Most councillors serve on at least one committee and have an additional responsibility. The position is unpaid.
If you would like to know more do, please, contact a Parish Councillor or the Clerk or come to our next meeting.
Clerk: Genevieve Dalton 07703 486562 email
Chairman: Sheila Bolden shelen@
Becoming a Parish Councillor
The criteria to qualify as a Parish Councillor in Little Abington are that you must:
- be at least 18 years old
- be an elector
- be a UK or Commonwealth citizen, or
- be a citizen of the Republic of Ireland, or
- be a citizen of another Member state of the European Union
Little Abington Parish Council Village Maintenance Contract
The contract for village maintenance has been reviewed. The new contract commenced in April 2020. Feedback is always welcome.