Planning Committee January 2022
There will be a Planning Committee meeting of Little Abington Parish Council in the Terrace Room (amended) at the Abington Institute, High Street, Great Abington on Wednesday 12 January 2022 starting at at 6:30 pm
See the agenda and links to attachments below.
Members of the public and press are able to attend in person to address the Council in public participation time and to observe the meeting .
Public Health. National regulations and local guidelines will apply.
Genevieve Dalton
Chair Suzanne Pattinson
Applications can be viewed SCDC/Greater Cambridge Planning Website:
1. Apologies for absence:
2. To agree minutes of Planning Committee meetings held on 1 December and 15 December 2021 (att).
3. Matters arising
• Update on use of S106 funding linked to developments on Granta Park. Ensuring LAPC is involved in future S106 discussions SB
• Granta Park Travel Plan Review IS
• Greater Cambridge Partnership-updates on local developments IS
• Local Highways Improvement bid update if any IS/SB
4. Declaration of Interests
5. Public Participation
6. 21/05400/HFUL 10 Bourn Bridge Road
Two storey side extension with single storey front and rear extensions
7. 21/03822/FUL Site 1 Granta Park. Amendments
Erection of R&D building, decked car park, associated landscaping & infrastructure
8. 21/05165/REM. Phase 2 Granta Park .
Various details of proposed development of the site in Land Zone 2
9. 21/05175/FUL Vernalis 3 Granta Park
Installation of 2 new ventilation ductwork on existing flat roof and a new condensing unit on Ground floor.
10. Updates and planning decisions made by SCDC SP
11. Any other Business