Parish Council meeting agendas and minutes
Great Abington Parish Council meets 6 times a year. Meetings are usually held on the3rd Monday of every alternate month starting at 7:15 pm in the Abington Institute in the High Street,Great Abington.
The meetings are the 3rd Monday of every alternate month. The remaining meetings for 2016 are 16th May, 18th July,19th September and 21st November. Each parish council meeting there is a open forum of 15 minutes at the start of the meeting to allow parishioners to raise concerns or make comments.
The parish council notice board for advertising meetings is at Magna Close/High Street corner.
Sometimes we may need to hold a Planning Committee meeting in order to meet the stringent timetable set by South Cambridgeshire District Council. Details of such meetings will also be displayed on the Parish noticeboard.